Registration will close when the conference reaches capacity. Reach out to modelun@mastersny.org with any registration questions.
To be accessible to as many schools as possible, MASMUNC has no advisor or delegation fees. Our fee is $30 per delegate. Invoices will be sent out to all registered schools within a week of receiving the registration form.
Both breakfast and lunch are included in the $30 delegate fee. Our dining hall is accustomed to supporting dietary restrictions, but if you have questions feel free to reach out to brittany.farrar@mastersny.org.
Position Papers
Although research and preparation are necessary for a successful and fun Model UN experience, delegates are not expected nor required to submit position papers, but can email them to their chairs if they would like the practice of writing one. Position papers do not affect awards.
Awards at MASMUNC are a way to recognize delegates who go above and beyond in their committees to research, participate, and collaborate. Being a good delegate is about the effort and skill one exhibits and awards are a way for us to holistically celebrate this work.
Location and Transportation
MASMUNC will be held at The Masters School in Dobbs Ferry, NY. The GPS address is 49 Clinton Ave, Dobbs Ferry NY, 10522. Delegations taking the Metro-North train to Dobbs Ferry can arrange to be picked up from the train station by Masters shuttle buses. To arrange this option, please reach out to modelun@mastersny.org.