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Embark on the journey of Benjamin Ripley in the eyes of students during the first book of Stuart Gibbs’ best-selling Spy School series. In this fictional crisis committee, SPYDER has been kidnapping and brainwashing students into joining their evil organization, and they must be stopped. Will you work together with your fellow spies-in-training or take a swift do-it-yourself approach? Choose wisely, because the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
About the Chairs
Hello delegates, and welcome to the third-ever Masters Model UN Conference. My name is Matthew VanWright, and I couldn't be more excited to be the chair of your committee! I'm in a senior, enjoy long but not too-long games of chess, math, and creative writing. This is my fourth year of MUN, and a highlight of my Model UN experience was playing the eccentric Charlotte Villiers during an Ad-Hoc Bridgerton committee. In the end, I learned the value of alliance, pigs, and a secret poison farm - essentially, how to stay one step ahead, something that I hope this committee will be able to do.
Hi, I'm Clover, and I’m so excited to be a part of MASMUNC this year! I have loved being a part of Model UN since my first conference. It is my favorite club. I am so excited about the Spy School Committee; I love the books. When I’m not participating at MUN, I am a part of the tennis, squash, and track teams. I also love to draw and read in my free time. My goal for MASMUNC this year is to have an awesome conference and, most importantly, have fun!
Hi everyone!!! My name is Lena Paull and I am so excited to serve as backroom chair for the Spy School committee. I grew up reading the Spy School books and I really want to see what espionage you guys will attempt to pull off. I started MUN at Masters in the middle school and I am excited to come back to my original roots and help out with the middle school committee. You guys by far have the most inventive ideas in crisis! When I'm not doing MUN I love to read, watch movies, play lacrosse, and hang out with friends. I am so excited to see what you guys come up with and if you have any questions feel free to email me at lena.paull@mastersny.org!
Contact the Chairs
Feel free to reach out to your chairs for committee specific questions at matthew.vanwright@mastersny.org.